How does private health insurance work?

Private health insurance is similar to other types of insurance. You pay a monthly or yearly fee called a premium.


Getting Referred

If you have a health issue, see your GP and let them know that you have private insurance. They may refer you to a specialist, and you might choose to go to private hospitals or specialists not offered by the NHS.


Informing Your Insurer

Tell your insurer that you want to make a claim. They'll check if your policy covers the treatment you need. If it does, your claim will be approved.


Cost Coverage

Your GP will book your appointment, and your insurer will cover the cost as long as your policy is active. Depending on your policy, you may be required to pay an excess.

Secure your child's health with Moneyrepublic's child health insurance policies. These policies cover a variety of treatments, granting access to private healthcare without relying solely on the NHS. As a trusted broker, Moneyrepublic provides peace of mind for parents. Choose our child health insurance for reliable and supportive coverage.

What is child health insurance?

Moneyrepublic's child health insurance covers essential treatments for your child's health, ensuring swift access to medical care, including cutting-edge treatments not available on the NHS. It provides comfort in private hospitals and clinics, supporting both parents and children. While not a substitute for NHS care, it complements it, guaranteeing timely and quality private medical attention. Reduce premiums by narrowing your private hospital choices and adjusting your excess. Tailor your coverage to your needs with expert advice from our partners, Assured Futures. Prioritise your child's well-being with our child health insurance policies.

Does my child need private healthcare?

Consider private healthcare for your child because it offers distinct advantages over the NHS, ensuring your child receives the best possible treatment options.

Benefits of Private Healthcare:

  • Access to Specialists: Additional treatments that may not be available within the NHS framework.
  • Comfort of Private Rooms: Enhancing the overall experience with private, en-suite rooms.
  • Flexible Treatment Schedules: Choose the timing of treatments and the hospital of your preference.
  • Access to Latest Drugs and Advancements: Providing your child with the latest medical advancements.
  • Shorter Waiting Times: Ensuring prompt attention to your child's needs.

Choosing private healthcare not only benefits your child but also alleviates strain on the NHS by reducing the demand for certain services. Prioritise your child's health and well-being with the advantages of private healthcare, and let Moneyrepublic guide you in making the right choice for your family.

What will private health insurance for kids cover?

Moneyrepublic's child health insurance offers flexible coverage options, ensuring access to private medical care to accommodate your child's unique needs.

Basic Plan

  • Inpatient Coverage: Your child's hospitalisation needs are fully covered. If admitted, the insurer handles treatment and associated expenses, providing peace of mind during inpatient care.

Medium Plan

  • Outpatient Treatments: Extends coverage to consultations and minor procedures outside of hospital stays. This plan ensures your child is supported not only during hospitalisation but also in various outpatient scenarios.
  • Various Therapies: Includes therapies promoting your child's overall development.

Comprehensive Plan

  • Widest Coverage: Encompasses a broad range of medical services for your child's well-being. It covers the essentials of the basic plan and the outpatient treatments of the medium plan, along with additional treatments, ensuring the most extensive coverage.
  • Flexibility: Offers the most comprehensive protection, allowing customisation based on your child's unique health requirements. While costlier, the comprehensive plan provides flexibility for various medical treatments, giving you peace of mind for your child's health.

At Moneyrepublic, we understand that each child is unique, and so are their healthcare needs. Our health insurance plans are designed to provide flexible and tailored coverage, ensuring you can choose the level of protection that best suits your child's health and development.

Cancer cover for children

At Moneyrepublic, our health insurance plans prioritise your family's well-being by including cancer cover in the core policy. Macmillan's research underscores the significance of this coverage, considering cancer as the most feared disease in the UK. We offer peace of mind, ensuring access to the best treatment and superior comfort during treatment. Comparing policies is essential, and with Moneyrepublic, expect robust core cover. This includes vital cancer treatments:

  1. Radiotherapy
  2. Chemotherapy
  3. Surgery
  4. Consultants' fees
  5. Outpatient treatments
  6. Home nursing
  7. Cash benefits if treated by the NHS

Choose Moneyrepublic for clear and concise health insurance that stands by you during challenging times.

What does child medical insurance not cover?

Moneyrepublic's child health insurance policies prioritise coverage, but it's essential to be aware of exclusions. Our policies do not cover:

  1. Transplants: Coverage for transplant procedures is not included.
  2. Dialysis: Expenses related to dialysis treatments are excluded.
  3. Cosmetic Treatment: Procedures for cosmetic purposes are not covered.
  4. Chronic Illnesses: Long-term health conditions may not be covered.
  5. Pre-Existing Conditions: Existing health issues before policy inception are excluded.
  6. Dangerous Activities: Injuries resulting from dangerous activities may not be covered.
  7. Hearing Aids: Coverage for hearing aids is not included.
  8. Mobility Aids: Similar to hearing aids, coverage for mobility aids is not included.

Understanding these exclusions helps you make informed decisions for your child or children's health insurance. Trust Moneyrepublic for transparent and thorough health insurance coverage.

Optional extras for child health insurance

At Moneyrepublic, we understand the importance of tailoring your child's health insurance to their specific needs. Optional extras, available at an additional cost, allow you to enhance the coverage. Examples include:

  • Dental Care
  • Optical Care
  • Physiotherapy
  • Homeopathy
  • Mental Health Support
  • Prostheses

These optional extras provide flexibility to customise your child's health insurance, ensuring they receive the best possible care.

Can children with health insurance still use NHS services?

If your child has health insurance, they can still access NHS services. Health insurance works alongside the NHS, enhancing treatment options and the comfort of care. The NHS, although invaluable and publicly funded, is under strain, causing long waiting times and potential delays.
Health insurance lets your child bypass these waiting lists, often securing treatment within a week. It offers access to various hospitals and flexible treatment schedules, typically including private, en-suite rooms for overnight stays. Some policies also cover accommodation for parents nearby. This ensures your child receives timely and comfortable care without losing access to NHS services.

How much is private healthcare for children?

Private healthcare costs for children with Moneyrepublic are influenced by several key factors:

  1. Child's Age
  2. Younger age results in generally lower premiums from insurance providers, impacting the overall cost of coverage.

  3. Excess Level
  4. A higher excess level means more personal contribution to healthcare costs, resulting in lower premiums.

  5. Child's Medical History
  6. Existing or long-term health issues in your child may lead to higher premiums as insurers adjust for potential risks.

  7. Location
  8. Location matters, with London and the South East often incurring higher expenses. Trust Moneyrepublic to consider these factors and compare prices transparently, ensuring you find the most suitable and cost-effective healthcare plan for your child.

What should I look for in health insurance for children?

Coverage Level

Before you take out a policy, you need to choose the coverage level - budget policies have minimal coverage, mid-range premiums provide full inpatient/outpatient coverage, and comprehensive is the most expensive with the widest coverage.

Discount Programmes

There are various ways to get discounts on premiums. These include increasing the excess amount, agreeing to make co-payments, accepting waiting periods, and shortening the list of hospitals that can be used for treatment.

Underwriting Types

There are various types of underwriting available. Essentially, this determines whether patients have to disclose all of their pre-existing conditions before they take out the policy or at the time they make a claim. Moratorium does not cover pre-existing conditions if they occurred in the last 5 years. Full medical underwriting requires patients to share their full medical history and may exclude pre-existing conditions. Patients may be able to switch policies without losing coverage.

Does a child need a medical check to get health insurance?

Getting health insurance for your child with Moneyrepublic is hassle-free. While some policies may require health declarations or medical checks, others, like the moratorium, do not. We provide flexible options to streamline the process, making it easy for you to secure the right coverage for your child.

How can I find the best deals on private health cover for children?

Take time to compare

By evaluating a range of child health cover options, you'll discover what's on offer, allowing you to secure the right policy at the right price. Trust Moneyrepublic for high-quality and competitively priced health insurance cover solutions for your child.

Consider increasing your excess

By choosing to pay a higher excess, insurers may see you as someone who claims only when necessary, resulting in potentially lower premiums. Trust Moneyrepublic for straightforward and cost-effective child health cover solutions.

Consider trimming your cover

If certain policy aspects aren't essential for your child, removing them can help you pay only for necessary coverage. Rely on Moneyrepublic for clear and cost-effective child health cover solutions.

Consider cutting your hospital options

Reducing the number of hospitals covered by your private healthcare policy can lead to cost savings. Rely on Moneyrepublic for clear and cost-effective child and family health insurance cover solutions.

Choose a six-week option

This choice entails using the NHS if it can provide inpatient or day-patient treatment within six weeks, reducing the necessity to claim on your policy. Rely on Moneyrepublic for clear and cost-effective child health cover.

Consider co-paying any claims

Some private medical insurance policies offer the choice of contributing a portion of your claim, reducing premiums. Rely on Moneyrepublic for clear and cost-effective child health cover solutions.

How can I reduce the cost of my child’s private health insurance?

To reduce the cost of your child's private health insurance with Moneyrepublic, consider these tips:

  1. Increase the Excess Payment: Opt for a higher excess, contributing more towards healthcare costs and lowering premiums.
  2. Choose the Policy Carefully: Evaluate your policy needs carefully to avoid unnecessary expenses and ensure cost-effective coverage.
  3. Limit Hospital Choices: Select plans with fewer hospital choices to reduce premiums.
  4. Six-Week Option: Choose the six-week option, allowing you to submit claims only if the NHS can't provide treatment within six weeks. This can result in cost savings while maintaining essential coverage.

Moneyrepublic aims to give medical information and provide cost-effective solutions tailored to support your child's health needs.


What's the maximum age for a child policy?

The age limit for child health insurance varies by provider, generally spanning from 18 to 21 for dependents. Some policies may cover children up to age 24 if they're in full-time education. To ensure your child medical insurance is the right fit for your family, check the policy documents for age specifics before purchasing. Trust Moneyrepublic for clear and high-quality child health insurance solutions.

What could be excluded from my child healthcare policy?

Common exclusions from medical insurance may include organ transplants, kidney dialysis, cosmetic treatment, certain chronic conditions, pre-existing conditions, injuries from dangerous sports or activities, and exclusions related to mobility and hearing aids. Checking the policy details is crucial to understanding coverage limitations.

Does getting health insurance mean my child can still use the NHS?

Yes, having private health insurance for your child doesn't exclude them from ever receiving eligible treatment using the NHS. Private and NHS services can work together, and your child will always remain eligible for NHS treatment. This provides flexibility, giving you the choice between private and NHS care based on your preferences and needs.