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How does private health insurance work?

Private health insurance is similar to other types of insurance. You pay a monthly or yearly fee called a premium.


Getting Referred

If you have a health issue, see your GP and let them know that you have private insurance. They may refer you to a specialist, and you might choose to go to private hospitals or specialists not offered by the NHS.


Informing Your Insurer

Tell your insurer that you want to make a claim. They'll check if your policy covers the treatment you need. If it does, your claim will be approved.


Cost Coverage

Your GP will book your appointment, and your insurer will cover the cost as long as your policy is active. Depending on your policy, you may be required to pay an excess.

In today's fast-paced world, securing your health and financial well-being is more crucial than ever, especially for the self-employed who might not have the safety net of employer-provided health insurance. Navigating the complexities of health insurance for pre-existing conditions can be daunting. However, Moneyrepublic can find a plan that not only covers your pre-existing medical conditions but also saves money in the long run. This guide aims to demystify the process and help you compare health insurance options to find the best fit for your needs.

What are pre-existing conditions?

Pre-existing conditions refer to any medical condition or health problem you might have experienced symptoms of, received medication for, or sought advice on before your health insurance policy starts. These can range from chronic illnesses like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes to conditions such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Understanding how your health insurance cover those with pre-existing conditions works is the first step in securing suitable coverage.

Acute ConditionsAcute Conditions

Understanding health insurance for pre-existing conditions requires distinguishing between acute and chronic medical conditions or ailments. Acute conditions are short-term medical issues, requiring immediate attention. Examples include:

  • Broken bone
  • Pneumonia
  • Appendicitis
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Concussion

Chronic Conditions

Unlike acute conditions, which are short-term, chronic conditions persist over the long term and often require ongoing management. Examples of a chronic illness or pre-existing medical conditions include:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Lupus
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Crohn's disease
  • Ulcerative colitis

Can I still get private health insurance with pre-existing conditions?

Yes, individuals with pre-existing conditions can still obtain private health insurance in the UK. However, it's important to note that their private health insurance policies may exclude coverage for those specific conditions. Despite this limitation, having private health insurance can still offer valuable coverage for other medical needs, providing peace of mind and access to timely healthcare services.

How does insurance work with pre-existing medical conditions?

Full Medical Underwriting

This process involves disclosing your complete medical history to the insurance provider, who then assesses your risk and decides what your policy will cover. Full medical underwriting might exclude pre-existing conditions or provide cover after a certain period. This option offers a clear understanding of what is and isn't covered from the start.

Moratorium Underwriting

Moratorium underwriting is less invasive, as it doesn't require you to disclose your entire medical history. Instead, it automatically excludes coverage for conditions you've sought treatment for, usually within the last five years, until you've been symptom and treatment-free for a set period under the policy.

How will my pre-existing conditions be treated?

Your pre-existing conditions will remain under the care of the trusted National Health Service (NHS). This means you'll continue to receive the necessary treatment and support through their services. Now, when it comes to private health insurance, it's all about enhancing your options. While the NHS handles your existing conditions, private healthcare steps in to offer additional coverage for unrelated medical needs. It's like having an extra layer of support, granting you access to specialized care, shorter wait times, and top-notch facilities. So, rest assured that your pre-existing conditions are in good hands with the NHS, while private health insurance provides added peace of mind for other healthcare needs.

Does health insurance for pre-existing conditions cost more?

Your health insurance premium depends on various factors like age, lifestyle, and location. Having a pre-existing condition may not directly impact your payments for medical insurance, but related treatments or services might be excluded.

How to compare health insurance for pre-existing conditions?

At Moneyrepublic, we understand the importance of finding the perfect health insurance policy tailored to your unique requirements. That's why we offer a straightforward, private medical insurance policy comparison service to help you make informed decisions. With Moneyrepublic, you can compare health insurance quotes from various providers, ensuring you get the best coverage at the right price. Our partnership with leading allows us to bring you a wide range of health cover options. When comparing private health insurance quotes with us, you'll answer a few simple questions, including your personal details, smoking status, monthly budget, and any pre-existing conditions you may have. We'll then match you with policies that suit your needs, ensuring you're adequately covered.

How can I find cheaper health insurance for pre-existing conditions?

Full Disclosure

Being transparent about your medical history when applying for health insurance is crucial. Full disclosure ensures that the insurance company has all the necessary information to accurately assess your situation and provide a policy that covers your needs. This honesty helps prevent the risk of future claim rejections due to undisclosed pre-existing conditions. Remember, while it might seem tempting to omit certain details to lower immediate costs, doing so can lead to significant complications and financial burdens down the line when you need coverage the most.

Consider a Higher Excess

Opting for a higher excess—the amount you pay towards any claim before your insurance kicks in—can significantly reduce your monthly premiums. This approach is particularly beneficial if you don't anticipate frequent medical claims. However, it's essential to strike a balance that ensures the excess is affordable in the event you need to make a claim. Assess your financial situation and risk tolerance to determine if this option is suitable for you.

Look for Special Deals

Some insurance companies offer special deals that include coverage for pre-existing conditions after a specified period without symptoms or treatment. These deals can provide substantial savings and peace of mind. Keep an eye out for such offers, and don't hesitate to ask insurers directly about the availability of such plans. These opportunities are especially valuable for individuals with controlled conditions looking for comprehensive coverage.

Lifestyle Changes

Improving your overall health can positively affect your insurance premiums. Insurers often consider factors such as weight, smoking status, and activity levels when determining rates. Adopting a healthier lifestyle not only benefits your well-being but can also lead to lower insurance costs. Simple changes like a balanced diet, regular exercise, and quitting smoking can make a significant difference.

Use an Advisor

The health insurance market can be complex and confusing, especially when dealing with pre-existing conditions. At Moneyrepublic, we offer the expertise of our advisors to help you navigate the complexities of health insurance for pre-existing conditions. Our team will compare various policies, ensuring you find the most suitable coverage that meets your specific healthcare needs.


Is there health insurance that covers pre-existing conditions?

Yes, there are health insurance plans that cover pre-existing conditions, but the extent of coverage and the conditions under which they do so can vary widely among insurers. Some plans might offer coverage after a waiting period, during which the insured must be enrolled in the plan but not receive treatment for the pre-existing condition. Other plans might cover pre-existing conditions with certain stipulations, such as higher premiums or limited coverage. It's important to carefully review the terms of any potential policy to understand how it addresses pre-existing conditions.

Is back pain a pre-existing medical condition?

Back pain can be considered a pre-existing medical condition if you have sought advice, received treatment, or experienced symptoms before your health insurance policy starts. The classification of back pain as a pre-existing condition often depends on its severity, cause, and the length of time you have been experiencing it. Insurers may require full medical underwriting to assess the risk and decide on the terms of coverage for such conditions.

Is obesity a pre-existing condition?

Obesity may be considered a pre-existing condition by some health insurance providers, especially if it leads to or is associated with other medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure. When applying for health insurance, you may need to disclose your weight and any related health issues. Insurers might use this information to assess your overall health risk and determine the terms of your coverage, which could include specific exclusions or higher premiums.